miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Feels great..

I know this must sound lame to those really professional bloggers and all

but that's okay, I don't care,
because I feel really happy for no reason at all.

Well, today I found out one of my friends from High School posted a picture from one of my blogs, yei! It feels good just to know that there's people actually taking a sneak peek at your stuff..

Here's the link to the post.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

La alegría de vivir..

.. nadie me la quitará.

Con ÉL a mi lado no te necesito jamás..

Veré las flores volar, los árboles una canción entonarán.

Las nubes grises y oscuras tu adiós soplarán.

El recuerdo de tu ausencia es como la lluvia tan cruel;

llora y llora al caer,

más de un arcoiris yo encontraré.

The start of something new.

It's a kiddie song.


It's actually a big deal because life can change in SOOO many ways from one second to the other;

I can't believe how lucky I am:

  1. First, I have GOD besides me who gave me MY FAMILY. and I thank Him so so much for giving us health and love, PLEASE DON'T EVER TAKE THAT AWAY FROM US.

  2. Secondly, what else do I need?

  3. I couldn't be so happy to be alive, I'm eager to go out there, be myself again (with or without you, baby) and remember what LIVING LIFE'S ALL ABOUT...

Funny how a doctor's visit can tootally change your mind.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

Reloading Part II

...Parte de mi nuevo yo implica enfocarme en mis estudios,

y como mercadóloga estoy manejando un nuevo blog....