martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Seeing double?

I doubt that, what you guys are about to watch is a whole new me...

(duh, the blog's name is Totally Reloading,..)

I've discovered a lost piece of my life,

which was hidden way back in the bottom of my heart,...

thanks to all who've been there for me in the most difficult times,

for it is you I've relied on, you I've placed my life upon.

I know I haven't won a Grammy
(argh, you should ask the shower, it's sure tell you I sing like crap :P)
Neither an Oscar or Emmy, even though I sometimes like to act...
I wish I'd won a Nobel Prize... darn, that would be great,
but I've found another treasure, one that I used to hate...

I've got LIFE within me,
some LIGHT I never could see...

for He has guided me,
and I've found the real me...

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009


anybody knows the formula of happiness?

because, heck, it's definitely not with me right now:(

or is it just me...?



sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

why why why..

did I have to blow this up:(

everything was going GREAT....
(talk to you later about this in detail,)

C H E E R S....

here's to the LOSERS who've lost you && the LUCKY BASTARDS who've yet to meet you..

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009


is full of surprises..

I don't know what's happening, seconds ago I felt really SELF CONFIDENT..

and now everything seemes a mess, again.

Some news, huh?

Weird also because right now I'm reading

Michael J. Fox's new book:

"Always Looking UP: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist"

I just hope he can still continue inspiring me throughout his book...